I am linking up with
Leigh Kramer for the first time today to talk about
what we were into this June.
1. Coldbrew
We live an hour from the nearest Starbucks, so I don't get there nearly as often as I'd like.
But I have been traveling so much lately that I have gotten to stop in many, many times this summer, and one of the things Starbucks kept pushing is the Coldbrew. I drink iced coffee everyday during the summer, so I was intrigued -
how exactly is cold brew so different? Turns out, cold brewed coffee is pretty similar to how I was making my iced coffee from this
recipe. You use cold water and coffee grounds steeped for 24 hours to make a coffee that is smoother and less acidic. And as a bonus, it has double the caffeine of coffee brewed the traditional way. Win-win 😂
2. Keto Starbucks
On a similar note, for those of us who need to eat a ketogenic diet or low carb high fat, I have been totally obsessed with the following at Starbucks: Iced Passionfruit tea, Sugar-free vanilla sweetener, heavy cream. Almost like a milkshake, if you don't pay too much attention. (Moon Cheese is great low carb snack option, if you are stuck in the car or airport too!) Not clean eating, for sure, but a fun treat.
Between my recent trip to Vegas, where it was solidly 115 degrees everyday, stepping up my half marathon training, and just general summer debauchery, rehydrating myself with more than just plain water has become a necessity. But Gatorade, with its 34 grams of sugar, is not in line with
my health goals at all. And I hate giving all that sugar and artificial color to my kids too. I have been relying on Arbonne Complete Hydration instead. With 3g of sugar, it isn't perfect, but it works exceptionally well.
(And for those of you who tend to overindulge a little in the summer: Complete Hydration is a hangover miracle worker).
You guys know
I am totally infatuated with books. For better or worse, I am also a very fast reader, which means I can go through several fiction books PER WEEK. (This is really helpful for getting books read, but it also means that I am always looking for new things to read, which gets frustrating and expensive sometimes). After (what felt like) exhausting Amazon's book lists, I stumbled upon
The Good House, by Ann Leary. It was so well-written that I buzzed through her entire catalog, including her new book
The Children. It was only afterwards that I realized she is the actor Denis Leary's wife. I'm glad I didn't realize it before I picked her up, because I am so anti-celebrity authors that I probably would not have given her a chance. Not great literature by any means, but solid, absorbing stories with well-developed characters.
I almost want to keep this one all for myself, but I
really love you guys, so here it is: A friend of mine told me about this resale shop that posts/sells their finds on IG. I have bought SO many great high-quality pieces (Nordstrom, Free People, Lululemon, Athletic, Trina Turk, etc) from this shop! Thrift store and consignment shopping out here on the farm can be very hit and miss, so it has been amazing to be able to easily pick up some of my favorite brands gently used for great prices. Follow them on IG (
@lachicboutiquesandpoint) to shop for yourself. I even direct messaged her my sizes, and she sends me pictures of everything she has in shop. (I have nothing to do with this business, and this is not an affiliate link....I just love it)
I knew I wanted to replace our plastic straws, (which are in rough shape and that I worry harbor toxins), with something safer. I feel like drinking out of stainless steel straws makes water taste odd, so when I stumbled upon these glass straws, I was delighted. I was even happier to read all the 5 star reviews from Amazon. I bought a four pack of the bent
straws, and I have been using them obsessively. I even travel with them, and bring them to Starbucks and restaurants. Seriously, everything tastes better out of these. I am never going back to plastic or disposable straws. As a bonus, the customer service is extraordinarily friendly. I tagged them in a post on IG, and their customer service not only interacted extensively with my friends in the comments, they direct messaged me to say thank you for tagging them.
7. Cello Whisps from Costco
A "chip" made entirely from Parmesan cheese. We can't stop eating them. These are the perfect chip replacement for low carb eaters, and every time I bring them to a party, people go nuts. Delicious. I just wish I could get them on Amazon for a better price, since we live so far from the nearest Costco.
8. West Wing Weekly Podcast
I adored the show The West Wing when it was on TV. My girlfriends and I (who mostly thought we were going to run the world one day) used to park ourselves in the basement of my sorority house and watch every week (
remember when we had to watch TV in real time?! Best of times, worst of times, eh?)
Listening to this podcast (led by Josh Malina, who played Will Bailey), has been so much fun. Each episode recaps and revisits one episode of the TV show, with guests ranging from West Wing actors and crew to current senators. Great listening for long run training.
I really want to be consistent about spending time in the Word everyday, but if I don't have a plan laid out for me, I struggle to focus. I have been using the
She Reads Truth app and purchasing their studies for about 6 months, and I really enjoy it. They have tons of studies available, as well as one "live" currently running study (at this moment, Acts). The studies combine verses that are relevant to a subject or book into a daily reading plan, short explanation and devotional, and room for discussion with other users. Both the app and the paper version of their studies are beautifully done. If you are looking for some direction for your Bible time, this is a great resource. (So far, the Proverbs study has been my favorite).
10. Small Town Races
In the past two weeks, I have run two different races here in NW Illinois - the Pretzel City 5K with my girls and the Stockton 4th of July 10K on my own. While I enjoy big city races too, these small town races have had the best and most encouraging spectators! Both were exceptionally well-organized, and it was SO awesome to see how many runners stuck around after their finish to cheer on those still running. My 9-year old even placed in her age group. Thank you to everyone who lined each course with funny signs, set up sprinklers and boom boxes in their yards along the route, and worked so hard to make these races a great experience for every level of runner.
So tell me, what about you? What are you into right now?
I am a huge fan of cold brew too. It's so easy to throw together before bed and I feel so fancy in the morning!
ReplyDeleteI have to add the West Wing podcast to my rotation. My husband and I just finished the show for the second time.
Lindsey, if you guys have watched the show twice, I think you will LOVE the podcast! It is an easy listen.
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