We had a good and HOT summer, and I'll talk more about that later maybe, but here are some first day of (home)school pictures....approximately five weeks late. (I'm still having a picture-editing issue with Blogger where the pictures are either too dark or too light, so bear with me).
Olivia is working in 2nd grade this year:
Amelia is in Kindergarten:
Charlotte is three and officially beginning Preschool (and so pleased with herself about it!):
And Henry is, well...:
Yeah, that's a keeper. Ha. No idea why Charlotte is pouting, but let's just say...it's not unusual!
We have a back-to-school tradition of having a picnic with Daddy. This year we decided to head down to Turkey Creek, and Grandpa came too! (Grandma had a meeting that night).
I am truly glad to have them at home everyday, despite the fact that I am a little frazzled sometimes....they really are growing up too quickly for their Mama. (And yes, I say that every year!)
Great photos and Charlotte is always my favorite, even though I haven't met any of them and think they are all beautiful. :)