Monday, October 1, 2012

First Day of School 2012

Well, people I don't even know have started asking me what happened to my blog, so I think it's probably time that I posted, eh?  Here's the honest truth though: I can really only fit one extra thing into my life at any given time, and right now, that extra thing is pregnancy.  Being pregnant is not an easy time for me, no matter how wanted and loved this sweet baby has been (read: whine whine whine).  So I will do my best to show up a little more regularly here, but no promises, okay?  I am safely at home putting all my energy into the babies I already have, and the one who is to come.  (Oh, and my husband.  Him too).

We had a good and HOT summer, and I'll talk more about that later maybe, but here are some first day of (home)school pictures....approximately five weeks late.  (I'm still having a picture-editing issue with Blogger where the pictures are either too dark or too light, so bear with me).

Olivia is working in 2nd grade this year:

Amelia is in Kindergarten:

Charlotte is three and officially beginning Preschool (and so pleased with herself about it!):

And Henry is, well...:

And the obligatory everyone together picture:

Yeah, that's a keeper.  Ha.  No idea why Charlotte is pouting, but let's just's not unusual!

We have a back-to-school tradition of having a picnic with Daddy.  This year we decided to head down to Turkey Creek, and Grandpa came too!  (Grandma had a meeting that night).

I am truly glad to have them at home everyday, despite the fact that I am a little frazzled sometimes....they really are growing up too quickly for their Mama.  (And yes, I say that every year!)

1 comment:

  1. Great photos and Charlotte is always my favorite, even though I haven't met any of them and think they are all beautiful. :)
